Revision 3 of the motherboard features:
- an Arduino Mega
- on-board atmospheric pressure and temperature sensor BME280
- 3 usb-ports for connecting I2C-sensors
- 24V power and battery management
- detection for PSU failure / hot-swap to batteries
- connections for alarm light / speaker
- connection for fan
- A 30A 24V H-bridge
- A small 2A secondary H-bridge
- 3 UART connections for oxygen sensors and debugging
Known bugs & issues:
- the reset push button was placed on the board incorrectly and was removed
- the SPI-lines to the onboard pressure sensor are not routed to the correct Arduino Mega pins (pin 50 and 51 are inverted, pin 52 and 53 as well) This has been corrected in software.

This revision was created by Thomas Lapauw in Altium Designer.
Design files can be found on the Downloads page